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kentucky State beekeepers association


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Website help

Here are Frequently Asked Questions about how to use this website and get the most out of your membership. If you have other questions not answered below, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions for Using This Website

1. When I log in, that reCAPTCHA where I have to pick pictures of stop lights or motorcycles is so annoying! Can you turn it off, please?

No. But we wish we could because it annoys us too! reCAPTCHA is one of the better methods for protecting your information and our website from fraud and abuse.  It's keeping your information safe from internet robots trolling around all day and night trying to find information to steal. Here is information on it if you're interested in learning more. 

2. I am not sure which email address I used to create my KSBA account. How to I figure out which one I used?

Enter the email address you think you used. If you don't know your password, select "Forgot Password" and a new password will be sent to that email address. If that email address is not found in our system, you will get a message saying so. Next, try the other email address you think you used and do the same process. In this way, you can figure out which email you used and get your password reset as well.

3. I know what email address I used to create my KSBA account but I forgot my password. How do I get a new password?

Click on the little orange person symbol in the upper right. Enter your email address and then select "Forgot Password" just below the "Password" field. A new password will be sent to your email address. Get into your email to find the message with your new password. Use that new password to log in. You will then be prompted to set a new password of your own choosing. 

4. How do I get my products and services listed on the Buy Local page or modify my products already showing there?

Only members can list on Buy Local so first, you must be a member of KSBA or CKHP. If you are not a member, you can join here. While entering your information to become a member, we ask you what products and services you would like listed on our Buy Local page. Select all the products you want listed. When entering your information to become a member, you will also see a question to ask if you'd like to upload a fun beekeeping picture of yourself to go on your Buy Local listing.

If you are already a member of KSBA or CKHP and you want to list your products and services on Buy Local or modify your listing, login to KSBA. Then, once you are logged in, click on the little orange person symbol in the upper right. Then select "View profile." Next, select "Edit Profile." Scroll down and you will see a question that asks you to check the products and services you sell. Also, just a few questions above this, you'll see a question that asks you to upload a profile picture of yourself. Make sure the other information is filled in correctly while you are updating your profile.

5. I am listed on the Buy Local page but don't want some of my information to show up there. Can I hide some of my information?

Yes. You do this by updating your Privacy settings in your profile. First, login to KSBA. Once you are logged in, click on the little orange person symbol on the upper right. Then select "View profile." Next, select "Edit Profile." Next, select "Privacy" Here, you will see a list down the left of information such as name, address and phone number and columns called "Anybody," "Members" and "No Access." Select "No Access" for any of the information you do not want shown in Buy Local.  SUGGESTION: After you make these changes, go back to Buy Local and look at your listing to make sure it includes the information you intended to share with people interested in contacting you to buy your products.

6. How do I get my KSBA membership card so I can show it to the many local Kentucky suppliers who offer a 5% discount to KSBA members? 

It's terrific, that local suppliers are supporting local beekeepers and we are supporting them. Nice!

To get your membership card, first, login to KSBA. Once you are logged in, click on the little orange person symbol on the upper right. Then select "View profile." You will see your membership card in the middle of that page. You can screen capture that page with your phone so you have a picture of your membership card to show suppliers, or you can print your card using the "Image optimized for smartphones" or "Printable PDF."

7. I am a KSBA Member and I want to change to become a CKHP Member. Can I do that?

Yes. First, login to KSBA. Once you are logged in, click on the little orange person symbol on the upper right. Then select "View profile." Next, select "Edit Profile." Next to Membership Level, select "Change." You will be asked what CKHP level you want to change to. Fill out all the requested info to compete your application to become a CKHP member. NOTE you will be asked to pay the entire cost of the new CKHP level. In other words, your membership cost will not be prorated. We are sorry but the Wild Apricot system on which the KSBA website is based simply does not allow for proration. 

8. I am trying to access a Beelines newsletter and I can't get to that page.  It says I don't have access. Why can't I see it?

Beelines are for members only. You can't access it because either you are a member but you are not logged in so you need to log in. Or, you are not a member so you need to become one here.

9. I am trying to access a the Educational video courses and I can't get to that page. It says I don't have access. Why can't I see it?

The Educational courses are for members only. You can't access it because either you are a member but your are not logged in so you need to log in. Or, you are not a member so you need to become one here.

10. I am an Officer with my Local Bee Club. How do I receive communications I can bring back to my local club about KSBA such as upcoming events, board meeting results and important announcements?

To Add Yourself: Login to KSBA using your email. Once you are logged in, click on the little orange person symbol in the upper right. Then select "View profile." Next, select "Edit Profile." Scroll down and you will see a question that asks "Are you a local bee club officer (or delegate) and want to receive communications from KSBA?" Answer the question "Yes." While you are updating your profile here, you might as well update anything else that is no longer current.

To Remove Yourself: Login to KSBA using your email. Once you are logged in, click on the little orange person symbol in the upper right. Then select "View profile." Next, select "Edit Profile." Scroll down and you will see a question that asks "Are you a local bee club officer (or delegate) and want to receive communications from KSBA?" Answer the question "No." While you are updating your profile here, you might as well update anything else that is no longer current.

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