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kentucky State beekeepers association


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  • Board of Directors

KSBA Objectives

The Kentucky State Beekeepers Association (KSBA) is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization dedicated to beekeeping in Kentucky. We represent Kentucky’s backyard, hobby, and commercial beekeepers and local beekeeping associations. Anyone interested in beekeeping is welcome to join us.

Our objectives are to:

  • Promote legislation and assist beekeeping as a local, state and national industry or hobby;
  • Encourage and support local bee clubs;
  • Inform members about news and events related to honey bees and beekeeping;
  • Provide a forum for training in the art and science of beekeeping;
  • Inform the public about the importance and contribution of honey bees to the welfare of all people

Board of Directors

President: Tim Sheehan
Vice President: Theresa Martin
Past President: Phil Craft
Secretary: Arren Heenan

Treasurer: David Foster

Assistant to the Treasurer: Jessica Mayes
Sergeant-at-Arms: Vacant
Historian: Vacant
CKHP Manager: R. Scott Moore
Membership Secretary: Phillip Patterson 

Legislative Representative: Lisa Anglin


Director: Jessica Mayes
Director: Tom Ballinger
Director: Mike Mabry
Director: Duane Keehan
Director: Joe Taylor

Director: Laurie Eiden

Director: Chuck Collins 

Director: Craig Sheehan

Website, BeeLines: Theresa Martin

IT Support/Website: Julie Steber
Kentucky State Apiarist: Amanda Skidmore

Board Meetings


Governance Documents

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